Let’s Normalise Singing at Traffic Lights.

Lydia Carrick
Jan 19, 2022
Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

I am a great car singer.

Crank up the volume and I sing loud.

I’m my head, I’m Bonnie Tyler. Just don’t turn down the volume. Turn down the volume to a point where I’m audible and… well animal control will be looking for cats screaming in agony.

Until recently, I used to stop when I got to Traffic Lights and traffic jams.

“I won’t sing in the car, what if someone sees me?” said my friends on many occasions. “Getting caught singing at the traffic lights is so embarrassing,”

How awful! But last year, I made it my goal to improve my self-esteem and anxieties around things I enjoy.

So I began singing at traffic lights.

Loud, proud and terrible.

I don’t care if anyone sees me.

I am a steering wheel Rockstar. And I don’t care who knows it.



Lydia Carrick

Lydia is a marketing consultant at www.Lennieandstan.com, helping small businesses and startups build effective marketing campaigns with tiny budgets.